6 Awesome Veg*n Women

Happy International Women’s Day!

Of course, we should celebrate and uplift women every single day, but it doesn’t hurt to have a day dedicated to all the wonderful ladies of the world.

This year’s theme is #BalanceForBetter, so how can we bring about balance in a woefully unbalanced world? Well, celebrating women’s achievements is a good start! So what better day to talk about some inspirational vegan and vegetarian women and their amazing achievements?

Currently, my biggest inspirations are generally women who are not only great at what they do but also fighting for animals in a variety of ways, whether it be through activism or just by leaving animals off their plate. Whether vegan or vegetarian, these women reduce the amount of animal suffering – and do a lot of other amazing stuff too!

From activists to CEOs, from singers to chefs, the following six women are great role models for any vegetarian or vegan.

Jane Goodall

This famed primatologist has done (and continues to do) so much work around the world for animals, it’d be a crime not to include her.  In a post titled “Why I Became a Vegetarian (And Why We Should All Eat Less Meat),” Dr. Jane Goodall encouraged her readers to stop eating meat, pointing out the cruelty behind it, its effect on the environment, and how it contributes to climate change. According to Goodall, she “stopped eating meat some 50 years ago when I looked at the pork chop on my plate and thought: this represents fear, pain, death.”

Liz Dee

Not only are Smarties, the iconic candy, vegan, but the company’s co-president is too! When Liz Dee became co-president, she also began her vegan journey. With so many people wondering if the candy was vegan, she began researching veganism and and everything just clicked! Not only does she enlighten her followers on her favorite vegan finds in different cities, but she also founded Vegan Ladyboss, a cause that aims to support and empower vegan women across the globe.

Miyoko Schinner

How much do you love Miyoko’s and their amazing cheeses? Well, founder Miyoko Schinner is to thank for their creamy goodness! If not for Miyoko and her book Artisan Vegan Cheese, vegans may not have been able to enjoy all the fantastic vegan cheeses that exist today. Since dairy products, especially cheese, tend to be the reason vegetarians hesitate in switching to veganism, Miyoko and her products are very influential. Miyoko’s mission? To feed the world with amazing and compassionate food. Who says you can’t have both?

Chloe Coscarelli

If you’re ever in need of some vegan food inspiration, check out Chef Chloe’s Instagram page. As a contestant on Cupcake Wars, she helped put veganism into the public conscious, winning the competition and proving that vegan food is more than just salad. This made her the first vegan to win this type of competition on TV. Since then, she has released several cookbooks, displayed her talents on The Today Show, and was even named one of Forbes 30 Under 30 in 2017.


With the release of her single “Tik Tok,” Kesha’s name became synonymous with partying, but did you realize the songstress was vegetarian? When asked about her diet, she simply said “I just love animals, and I’m an advocate for animal rights.” Kesha’s love of animals is no secret, but that’s just one of the reasons she herself is so beloved. Not only does she create unique music – whether it’s meant to make you dance or make you think – she is one of the strongest women in the music industry, opening up about being a victim of abuse and fighting for women who experienced the same thing.

Angela Davis

Activist. Academic. Author. Angela Davis has worn many hats in her life. Essentially the godmother of modern activism, she has been an activist since the tumultuous 1960s. Since then, she has advocated for human rights and has established herself as a proponent of progressive justice. She’s been speaking and educating others on these issues for a long time, gaining her both supporters and detractors. But that’s not all! Since 2009, she’s been vegan and has even discussed the parallels between human rights and animal rights in recent speeches.

Really, the list is almost endless and should include the “unknown” women that make a difference everyday. What women – vegan or not – inspire you?

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8 responses to “6 Awesome Veg*n Women”

  1. Veganism and feminism have nothing to do with each other


    1. In my opinion (and in the opinion of many other vegans), they certainly do. And even if they do not, what’s wrong with celebrating the accomplishments of some amazing vegan women?


      1. Technically, by definition, they have nothing to do with each other. One can be a stellar, textbook vegan without any version of feminism.
        I think this type of intersectionalism just muddies up the waters when it comes to animal liberation because it makes people associate veganism with liberalism. Veganism should be kept put of the politics as much as possible because it is for everyone, not just the left/liberal/feminist people.


      2. I find advocating for animal rights to be political. As a vegan, a feminist, a liberal…I associate veganism with feminism, whether or not their formal definitions are linked. You are free to do otherwise.


      3. Like I said intersectionalism only hinders the vegan movement bc it pushes away all the people in the center and on the right who see veganism as a joke where they would have otherwise had no reason to dismiss it. It’s actually rather embarrassing that the liberal and feminist groups are hijacking veganism because those philosophies do not speak for veganism fundamentally or for vegans as a whole. It is a misrepresentation.


      4. I’d hardly call it a hijacking. Here are some interesting pieces on why animal rights are a feminist issue, if you’re interested: https://everydayfeminism.com/2014/12/animal-rights-feminist-issue/ and http://www.womensmediacenter.com/fbomb/the-truth-about-being-a-vegan-and-a-feminist


      5. So both of those pieces draw parallels between veganism and feminism, suggesting that women are victims and that that is what feminism has to do with veganism, because they both (allegedly) are fighting for victims (I disagree with the premise of feminism, the notion of a “patriarchy” in the West, but that’s neither here nor there);
        Drawing parallels is a copout way to link unrelated things together when they otherwise have nothing to do with each other. Not to mention those sites are as extremely biased as it gets. Weak


      6. I find the two to be related, you do not. We will have to agree to disagree since I do not see either of us convincing the other.


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